Classes start August 26th.

Celebrating life through dance.
New class added:
Beginning Adult Tap
Thursdays 6:30 – 7:20 PM
Hello, everyone! We are so excited to reopen and start classes again.
Classes start on September 14. We will be teaching classes in three different ways, to keep everyone safe during the coronavirus period, and to give the students the best attention that we can.
On good weather days, classes will be held outside on our new deck surface, and with the new outdoor barres. We will be spaced at a safe distance, and wearing our masks.
We will also offer studio time for 2-5 students, spaced at a safe distance, windows open, and wearing masks, for individual attention and practice.
We will have Zoom classes on certain bad weather days, and when teaching something to a larger group.
We think that we have covered all the bases, and we are very excited to get back to teaching and dancing this year!